The Kapelle Fall Concert 2020
February 4, 2021
Dr. Dawn opened up this year’s annual Kapelle Fall Concert. He explains that music is a gift from God and it is something that everyone can participate in, even virtually. CUC plans to keep this tradition going and if you would like to help keep the live streams going this pandemic, please visit
Pastor Leininger then led everyone in prayer, to start the concert.
The conductor, Dr. Charles Brown, led the first piece “Non moriar sed vivam.” Everyone was properly distanced and masked throughout the chapel. It’s particularly interesting to see a chorus spread out instead of being close together. The sound was still very high in quality.
Dr. Brown talked about how everything looks different this year but is grateful to be able to access audiences at home. It was also challenging to figure out singing with distance and even using zoom just to remember what everyone looks like. He reminds us that we sing because of Christ and to share this message with us all.
“Taste and See” was then performed, with a soprano solo by Miranda Flanagan.
The next piece, “In Paradisum” can be translated to a Requiem, and it is normally used when you are leaving church during a funeral service and going to the burial site. It is dedicated to staff, alumni, and faculty that have passed in the past year. Names of the departed were read off by Pastor Leininger and Dr. Wente during the performance. There was also a soprano solo by Gillian Norris.
Before the brief intermission, sophomore bassist Jesse Schulz spoke a few words on behalf of The Kapelle. Jesse is originally from Kansas, but CUC is near and dear to him, and to his family. He is the 29th member of his extended family to go to CUC and the 10th to be in Kapelle. He wishes that everyone could be in chapel with them, but is grateful to be able to perform in front of an audience. Their spring tour was unfortunately cut short earlier this year when the pandemic started. Jesse then goes on to declare that even though things have changed, one thing remains constant and that is the Gospel message of Christ.
Pastor Leininger introduces the second portion of the concert with an organ piece, “Deep River” performed by Dr. Wente.
Dr. Brown continues and explains that the next two pieces are very spiritual and are related to the previous piece in reference to the crossing of the Jordan, and how this is the moment we are brought to Christ. The pieces are called [“My Lord, What a Mornin’] and “Oh, What a Beautiful City.”
The last piece, “Mude bin ich, ger zur Ruh” is a piece that alumni are usually a part of. Unfortunately, they cannot be a part of it at this time and Kapelle is hopeful that they can be again one day. This piece was picked last on purpose as a message to all to take with us during these trying times: May God’s Peace Be With You.