Written by Mattie Rametta

With summer coming up and quarantine extended, one might find themselves with a lot of free time. This could be filled by sleeping in, watching Netflix, or starting a new hobby. But if one are wondering what’s out there to do and how do you know if it’s something you’ll like or want to do…well, there is plenty of time to figure it out. Below is a 50 list of things that one can do, while we are doing nothing:
- Learn a new language
- Learn how to play an instrument
- Garden
- Make a quilt
- Start making Youtube videos
- Learn how to cook
- Bake bread
- Make cupcakes for essential workers
- Write a novel
- Write poetry
- Rollerskate
- Skateboard
- Start a blog
- Start a new skincare routine
- Start doing yoga
- Get fit
- “Marie Kondo” your house
- Organize your room
- Learn how to do makeup
- Learn how to do a French braid (hair)
- Learn how to do a Dutch braid (hair)
- Learn how to do acrylic nails
- Make a blanket scarf
- Write a play
- Fix the thing(s) in your house that you’ve been putting off
- Paint your house
- Paint
- Draw
- Make Pottery
- Make the TikTok Whipped Coffee (Dalgona coffee)
- Start “TikToking” (making TikToks)
- Become an Instagram influencer
- Make your own jewelry
- Make a skirt
- Learn how to crochet
- Learn how to knit
- Camp in your backyard
- Give yourself bangs
- Dye your hair a fun color
- Learn to write with your nondominant hand
- Learn origami
- Make tie-dye t-shirts
- Learn how to weave a basket
- Start a virtual book club
- Birdwatch
- Make a pet rock
- Draw a comic
- Start a podcast
- Read the classics
- Learn a TikTok dance
Whatever one chooses to do, make sure it’s something one enjoys. In times where the world doesn’t make sense, there are ways to find security in the hobbies or activities that one does. Once all of this is over, these new skills learned during quarantine can help in the future as part of an employable skill or as a party trick for friends. Stay safe and have fun.