Written by Destiny Henschel
Concordia University Chicago’s College of Business is hosting a Logo Contest aimed to represent the 3rd Annual CougarTank competition. The contest is open to all current Concordia University Chicago (CUC) Students — part time or full time, commuters or residents, all majors, and any age.
Cathy Schlie, Manager of Marketing, Communications and Events – College of Business, came up with the idea after two successful years with the same logo. Schlie “hope[s] to get engagement from the campus community for CougarTank as a whole,” in addition to providing opportunities for all of CUC’s students.
As far as the regulations for the contest go, the colors and design can be creatively and uniquely put together in whatever way the student may choose. The only necessity for the logo is that it includes the word “CougarTank,” or Schlie mentioned that the logo “must imply, in some way, that it is for [the] CougarTank” competition that takes place later in the academic year. A logo that will be disqualified might include unoriginal ideas, little to no legibility, or a lack of the proper representation — where the logo must imply “CougarTank” in some way.
Not only is this logo contest allowing students to feel inspired and innovative, but it also gives students concrete incentives. The logo that is chosen by credible judges, who come from, described by Schlie, “local businesses [with employees who are asked] to be judges and mentors.” The chosen artist will be rewarded $25 and will be given the acknowledgment of this prize. In the professional workforce, this acknowledgment can be used as a resume strengthener and professional portfolio builder. In addition to these physical acknowledgments, the logo will be represented on CUC’s campus during numerous events throughout the entire year, and potentially years to come. However, this logo will not be limited to on campus publicity, but will also have a fair amount of off campus publicity, with the potential of being recognized by companies for future opportunities.

(Photo Credit to CUC’s College of Business)
All students who are interested in partaking in the Logo Contest must submit the file in PNG or JPG format to Business@CUChicago.edu by Friday, September 20th, 2019. Schlie also wants students of all majors to keep checking the College of Business Newsletter, where some of the information regarding the upcoming events will take place. The most recent newsletter includes three workshops for students relating to the upcoming CougarTank competition.
Taking place on September 26th at 2:30 P.M., in room Krentz 256, students will be able to experience an Idea-Generating Workshop, where all interested contestants can receive assistance in creating a business plan. The next event includes a Personal Branding Workshop, taking place on October 21st at 3:00 P.M., in room Krentz 256. At this event students will learn how to present themselves as the best candidate for any position or occupation. The final event created in assistance to the CougarTank competition includes a Professional PowerPoint Workshop, taking place on November 19th at 6:00 P.M., in room Krentz 120. These beneficial events are open to all CUC students and were created for the CougarTank Competition taking place later in the 2019-2020 academic year.